Monday, February 1, 2010

How the iPad Could Drive Up College Tuition

How the iPad Could Drive Up College Tuition | Green Day | Fast Company:

"The below video, by e-textbook company CourseSmart, is a neat demo of the educational advantages of the iPad: Keep all your textbooks in one slender, elegant package; highlight and make notes; watch embedded video and multimedia; browse the web for supplementary material; chat and collaborate with classmates and teachers as you read. These innovations are exciting for colleges that want to be tech savvy. 'I do see our university replacing our [standard undergrad-issued] laptop computer with this new iPad,' wrote one CIO of an Oregon university.

But will the gadget cut costs or open an even bigger money pit for cash-strapped students?"

App-etite for Consumption

Infographic: App-etite for Consumption | Fast Company:

"You may have heard about this little thing called the iPad, yes? And how it can supposedly master some 140, 000 apps? It's true. But it's not the only app-licable (sorry, we'll stop soon) machine out there with a serious app-preciation (really soon) for apps. In fact, a pre-iPad study found that the app explosion is well underway, so much so that, as you can see in the above graphic, worldwide we will purchase, download and otherwise acquire an average of 20.1 apps for every smartphone sold this year."